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Through an annual membership or other gift, you are the reason we are able to bring the best exhibitions, programming, and events to our vibrant city and community. Thanks to you, LRMA continues to be a creative space for Laurel and the surrounding area. There is always something happening here–and we want you to be a part of it.


Membership in the Lauren Rogers Museum of Art is a year-long odyssey into the world of art. One of the finest mid-sized art museums in the South, LRMA offers an impressive schedule of temporary exhibitions as well as permanent collections featuring some of the most famous names in art history.

LRMA members receive personal invitations to all exhibition openings and special events, as well as discounts on art classes, travel opportunities, and Museum Shop purchases. Your membership supports the numerous activities, education programs, and operations of the Museum. You can take pride in knowing that you are providing thousands of children and adults an aesthetic experience at one of Mississippi’s greatest treasures. Join today to experience all that LRMA has to offer.

Director’s Circle Memberships

Eastman – $5,000

  • Invitation to a special dinner with a guest artist or lecturer, plus
  •  Benefits of Laureate membership

Laureate – $2,500

  •  Two additional tickets (four total) to annual LRMA Gala
  •  Complimentary art book, plus
  • Benefits of Sustaining Benefactor membership

Sustaining Benefactor – $1,500

  • Private tour for you and your guests led by LRMA Director or Curator, plus
  •  Benefits of Grand Benefactor membership

Grand Benefactor – $1,000

  • Two tickets to annual LRMA Gala
  •  Complimentary subscription to American Art Review, plus 
  •  Benefits of Benefactor membership

Benefactor – $500

  • Invitation to annual Director’s Circle event
  •  Annual recognition at LRMA, plus
  • Benefits of Donor membership

Supporting Memberships

Donor – $250

  •  Special sale days in LRMA Gift Shop
  •  Special exhibition catalogue mailings, plus
  •  Benefits of Patron membership

Patron – $150

  • Invitation to annual LRMA Gala Preview Party, plus
  •  Benefits of Sponsor membership

Sponsor – $100 

  •  Invitation to purchase tickets to annual LRMA Gala
  •  Reciprocal privileges at more than 600 museums across North America, plus
  •  Benefits of Friends membership

Friend – $50

  •  Discounts for LRMA art classes, plus
  •  Benefits of Associate membership

Individual Memberships

Associate – $25

  •  10% discount in LRMA Gift Shop
  •  Listing in annual LRMA Donor Report, plus
  •  Benefits of Student membership

Student – $15

  •  Free Admission
  •  Invitations and announcements for exhibition receptions, lectures, classes, and activities
  •  Subscription to LRMA News 
Join Now!
Membership Level
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